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Our Staff

As a result of the 1964 Economic Opportunity Act, the Economic Opportunity Foundation, Inc. has been in existence since 1965.

Candie Leonard-Caldwell:

Community Service Advocate II

The first sign that Candie is ready and waiting to help you get organized on your journey is her desk. She is constantly organizing her space and the EOF office as a whole. 

She is known for liking a little coffee in her hazelnut creamer. 

When she was little, she wanted to be a social worker, so working as an advocate is literally a dream come true.


LaDanity Timmons:

Community Service Advocate

The word that describe LaDanity is RESOURCEFUL; she is always determined to get a job done and done right. She loves being part of the KCK community because it's full of so many caring people. 

If you see her in the staff room, she's probably snacking on chocolate cover bananas or shaking the stress off with Whitney's "Dance with Somebody"! 


Regina Casares:

Community Service Advocate Bilingual

You can call her Gina. Her passion for EOF has remained strong even with all the changes the past ten year have brought because she truly believes in helping everyone.

When she is stressed she likes to CLEAN! 

Y es bilingüe, así que si necesita una defensora que hable español, ella es su chica.


Terry DeMoss:

CSA Special Services

People call him Taco because they're his lunch almost every day! When he was a kid, he wanted to be a firefighter.  He came close: Office fires take up his day now as he helps with special projects & unique needs.

Terry is a former customer of EOF, and he wants you to know that his success can be yours too! 


Monica Sipple:


Her name may be Monica, but the EOF staff calls her "Johnnie on the Spot." An epic multi-tasker, she crosses all the t's and dots the i's and keeps the wheels greased, the agency running, and the success stories coming. 

In school, her worse subject was science, and the better for all of us that she found a role helping people. 


Rita D. Adams:

Executive Director


Everyone loves Miss Rita because of her ability to communicate with people from all walks of life. She has a deep commitment to effect positive change, probably stemming from her deep love of family and community.

After almost 50 years at EOF, no one can remember seeing Rita without an ice cold Pepsi nearby.


Our Board of Trustees

Our Governing Board serves as the voice of the people of Wyandotte County, KS. This volunteer group includes publicly elected officials, private sector interests, and people democratically selected by low-income in our service area. As a CSBG-funded organization, this is what's called a tri-partite board.

EOF's tri-partite Board of Trustees provides oversight and determines the direction of programs and services to best help residents in Wyandotte County "move towards self-sufficiency".

EOF Meeting 3.jpg

Richard Mabion, Board President
Scott Mackey, Board Treasurer
Senator David Haley

Ondra Penn, Board Secretary
Hank Chamberlain 
Jacques Barber


Yvonne Brown

Rep. Marvin Robinson, II

Charlann "Ann" Criss

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